About Applications

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VISION "Digitalization of local businesses" LONGTERM GOAL “To become the leading provider of innovative digital solutions for local businesses”


MISSIONS 1. Promising to make lives easier and more satisfying. 2. Facilitating positive transformations in the delivery of local businesses. 3. Establish an internal environment that fosters innovative solutions and greatness from its employees. PURPOSES 1. Empowering local businesses by enhancing their digital presence. 2.Supporting local businesses in building strong brand identities to ensure sustainable growth. 3. Empowering customers to make informed decisions tailored to their needs. SLOGAN “CO-WIN IN BUSINESS”

Appliation Features

Shared Wallets

are popular among couples, families and roommates who handle their finances in Spendee.

Connecting bank accounts

to Spendee is preferred by people paying mostly by card.

Customize Spendee

Customize your categories, add a picture or a location to every expense.

Multiple currencies

are favoured by travellers and digital nomads managing money in more currencies.

Alerts and reminders

will notify you to pay the bill or not to exceed the budget.

Sync and backup

is valuable for everyone using Spendee across devices and sharing Spendee with others.

Popular Categories

Phone Service

Hair Cut

Hair Coloring

Hair washing

Hair Curling

Popular Services

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Minima quo est distinctio quam ipsa dicta. Voluptatum libero dicta aut qui beatae quia. Culpa ut temporibus omnis amet.